Welcome to Gristmill Sites, by Dint. Theme: No Easy Meanings. Vet Everythig. Is There an Agenda?

This lists our multiple-topic sites, that grew like Topsy over the years. Commentary that began as political, or cultural, or any other emphasis, ended up including substantial history, however. Whimsy turned darker. Or a language analysis showed a different meaning to accepted texts, raising issues of agenda, propaganda, manipulation. So, we index the sites themselves here, with their major emphases.

For annotations, and the separate topics, see the companion Dint site, Topics by Dint The Sites by Dint index differentiates between the URL's, although they are beginning to converge. It reinforces the concept of vetting as the first step to problem-solving. Take a position, carefully, if at all, later; and stay open. There may be another angle.

Overall: Pragmatic secularism in legislation and areas of human interaction; one's own religious views to manage private life, as desired; receptiveness to new ideas; rejection of ideologies applied without further analysis.



Frogs of a Summer's Day
Rather than prepare your own obituary, do your own Curriculum Vitae. A CV without words, mostly.  How would you picture your journey on the fabled Path of eons. No words, now. Or at least, only a few. The photographic record. If any are ambiguous, so is living.

Bogomilia, Site for the Unsung
Consider some past lives. Are there corners worth exploring. For those who met bad ends, like "heretics" as claimed by an institution of the day, were some -- even many -- of their heretical ideas later adopted?  Look at force. What ideas and people were forced out by whom.

Europe Road Ways Lite
Here we offer the human side of travel when it is unscripted.  What do you see when you are not supposed to interpret it in the way the culture intended.  There are things that are funny to us, that the culture may even find offensive.  We do not mean to offend here, just to show what broke us up as we passed.  Nobody grows up.  And we had lots of good laughs.  So, this is not really a travel site.  This is our rainy day look-back and enjoy a hoot. Travel is not just a travelogue.  Anyone can hop aboard a tour, and take photos of what is dutifully served up, hear what has been repeated so often that even the guide looks somnambulent, holding aloft the flag, the paddle, so noone gets lost.