Welcome to Gristmill Sites, by Dint. Theme: No Easy Meanings. Vet Everythig. Is There an Agenda?

This lists our multiple-topic sites, that grew like Topsy over the years. Commentary that began as political, or cultural, or any other emphasis, ended up including substantial history, however. Whimsy turned darker. Or a language analysis showed a different meaning to accepted texts, raising issues of agenda, propaganda, manipulation. So, we index the sites themselves here, with their major emphases.

For annotations, and the separate topics, see the companion Dint site, Topics by Dint The Sites by Dint index differentiates between the URL's, although they are beginning to converge. It reinforces the concept of vetting as the first step to problem-solving. Take a position, carefully, if at all, later; and stay open. There may be another angle.

Overall: Pragmatic secularism in legislation and areas of human interaction; one's own religious views to manage private life, as desired; receptiveness to new ideas; rejection of ideologies applied without further analysis.


Sassafras Series

Things that spread by underground runners, things with leaves that form in variety on the same branch, things that brew, that repel bedbugs.  The Sassafras Things.

Sassafras Thicket. Bellwether, Haiku, Freeform and Doggerel
A site for those whose eyes close at more prose.  Frame concepts in some form of poetry, even little plays, with heavier metal in footnotes.  Can thoughts be disciplined to meet syllable counts, meter, the sense of it over rules.

Sassafras Tree. Natural Pragmatism Meets Human Obstructionism
  How do practical approaches run afoul of ideology.  Now that we have no more frontiers, of the scale of yore, how else to get along with one another, except by pragmatism.  Can ideology move over?  If not, how to contain it.

Sassafras Roots. Sassafras and History
What uses of sassafras, now demonized from bad lab testing, can be revived.  Contain the nanny state, and let sassafras out again, into the root beer, into the tea, even to be enjoyed in a mildly recreational way.  Limit purchase quantity, if you must, but inform and permit.