Welcome to Gristmill Sites, by Dint. Theme: No Easy Meanings. Vet Everythig. Is There an Agenda?

This lists our multiple-topic sites, that grew like Topsy over the years. Commentary that began as political, or cultural, or any other emphasis, ended up including substantial history, however. Whimsy turned darker. Or a language analysis showed a different meaning to accepted texts, raising issues of agenda, propaganda, manipulation. So, we index the sites themselves here, with their major emphases.

For annotations, and the separate topics, see the companion Dint site, Topics by Dint The Sites by Dint index differentiates between the URL's, although they are beginning to converge. It reinforces the concept of vetting as the first step to problem-solving. Take a position, carefully, if at all, later; and stay open. There may be another angle.

Overall: Pragmatic secularism in legislation and areas of human interaction; one's own religious views to manage private life, as desired; receptiveness to new ideas; rejection of ideologies applied without further analysis.


Studying Wars for Heart, Mind and Turf.

Studying War: for Mindsets, for Turf
Posts and commentary, photos: Wars for heart and mind; wars for turf.  Wars for advantage. Wars on a dare -- What are you going to do about that guy? So the weaker one goes ahead and does it. Wars so that somebody else, also influential, will leave you alone. Wars between genders and gender-orientations, role changes, cultures, religions, political positions, ideologies of all kinds.  What mindsets foster war rather than an accommodation that allows others to live with their beliefs, while you also enjoy your own.  What if your belief is that the other person is so evil that the Deity requires you to exterminate the Other. Yes. What if?  If we don't examine our wars and their origins, wars to keep the former enslaved enslaved by preventing their rise.

Studying War: Hub on the Web
The philosophical overview, all Dint sites, including Travel.